What is an original part number?

The original part number (also called OE number) is a unique article number assigned by the manufacturer. With the help of the OE number it is easier for you to find the suitable REMAN product or the suitable repair item in our shop.

Please note that when searching for a repair item, it may be possible that your OE number is not listed, but we can still carry out a repair on your OE number. In this case, please contact us.

For general requests 
by phone +49 (0) 9333 9041300 or
by contact form

For repair requests
by phone +49 (0) 9333 9041300 or
per repair request

When searching for a REMAN part, the OU number is mandatory. Since it is only given in such a way that it is an identical part with suitable connection options and the same shape.

You will find the OE part number on the affected part (this may have to be removed from the machine to find the OE number) - The number is glued, printed or stamped.


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